
How Twitter Bots Are Taking Over Old Accounts to Promote Adult Dating Websites - meachamhiscon

Twitter Bots

Twitter Bots

Bots have been a major nuisance for Twitter in the recent past and have played a major role in a list of significant circular events. The pretenders are not only used to open fake news on the platform, but were also used to sway the closing US Presidential elections. While it isn't difficult for an informed user to spot a Twitter bot, it has been quite a challenge for the company to abolish bot accounts for good, so that straight-grained new users remain unhurt.

How Twitter Bots Are Taking Over Old Accounts to Promote Adult Dating Websites

Accordant to a Holocene epoch post from Finnish cyber security and secrecy firm F-Secure's Andy Patel, Twitter Bots are now existence used to promote adult geological dating websites connected the platform. In his post, Patel reveals:

"About a workweek agone, a Tweet I was mentioned in received a dozen or so "likes" over a real short flow (about two proceedings). I happened to get on my computer at the meter, and apace took a look at the accounts that generated those likes. They all followed the identical shape."

All the accounts that Patel discovered had related phrases in their profile descriptions and contained shortened links to adult dating websites. While the landing pages were different for various regions, in Finland, the links redirected to a website called "Dirty Tinder".

Twitter Bot Graph
(Graphical record of follower/following relationships between identified accounts afterwards about a mean solar day of running the uncovering script.)

To discover more so much accounts, Patel wrote a script which looked for similar traits in accounts that were being followed by the Bot accounts. Upon squirting the script for different days, Patel discovered o'er 22,000 accounts that exhibited similar traits. However, upon further investigation, he realised that the accounts had nothing in common. They were created on different dates and they tweeted/likable different matter at incompatible times.

Twitter Bot Account Ages

Another interesting observation was that the accounts were created over a very polysyllabic period, with some accounts over eight years old. These could be accounts that were hacked and taken over by bots, As has been known to encounter in other scams. Very few accounts in the sample were created recently and Patel suggests that Twitter's mechanization "seems to be able to flag behaviors or patterns in fresh accounts and automatically restrict or freeze them." Patel boost elaborates that the accounts predominantly advertise the adult dating websites by liking, retweeting and following other accounts every which way.

Patel speculates that even though all of the Bot accounts a very different from each other, they are nigh likely disciplined by a single entity. While currently the accounts get into't pose any threat whatsoever, they "could be quickly repurposed for other tasks including "Twitter marketing", or to amplify limited messages."


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